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Editing content
FirstClass objects such as documents, messages, and calendar events and tasks contain content in the body (the bottom pane) of the object. This content can consist of text, embedded pictures or other files, horizontal lines, page breaks, markers, and links. You can add, edit, and format content.
To move to the body of an object in order to work with it, click it.
Immediately after you have made a change in the body, you can undo it by right-clicking and choosing Undo (Windows only).
Searching for text
To search for specific text in content, use your web browser's find feature.
Adding backgrounds for content
Applying background colors
To apply a background color for your content:
1 Choose Format > Format Background.
2 Select "Use color" and choose the color you want.
Click a color on the color palette or, for a custom color, type the red, green, blue values.
Using picture files as backgrounds
To use a picture file as a background for your content:
1 Choose Format > Format Background.
2 Select the picture file.
If the picture file is on your computer, click Browse, then select the file. After it appears in the attachments input field, click Attach.
If the file is stored on the FirstClass server, click On Server, then select the file by clicking it. You can use the icons at the top of the Attach form to navigate to the file.
3 Select the file at "Use image".
4 Choose the position you want for the background picture at "Image position".
The background picture can be located at the top left, tiled, centered, or stretched to fit the page.
Changing margins
To change the margins for all the content:
1 Choose Format > Format Margins.
2 Type the number of pixels you want as top, bottom, left, and right indents.
Copying content from other sources
You can copy content from another FirstClass object to the clipboard and paste it into the body of your new object, just as you would normally do in your operating system.
Inserting page breaks
To insert a page break, choose Insert > Page Break.
Editing with FirstClass
FirstClass works in a similar manner to most word processing software. For example, you can change the margins for all the content, and format paragraphs and selected text.
In FirstClass, you can select text in the standard ways used by your operating system. These are some of the ways you can select text:
• drag the cursor over a block of text
• double-click a word to select it
• click a paragraph to select it
• triple-click a paragraph to select it and all of the content within it
• press Control A (Windows, Linux) or Command A (Mac) to select all content.
You can also use standard editing functions such as copy, cut, and paste on your content.
To move content from one place to another within the same object, select it, then drag it to the desired location. If you press Control (Windows, Linux) or Option (Mac) as you drag, you will copy the content instead of moving it.
Formatting text
Changing fonts
To change the font of selected text, choose the font from the edit bar:
Changing text size
To change the size of selected text, choose the size from the edit bar:
Changing text color
To change the color of selected text, choose the color you want from the edit bar:
Changing other text styles
You can apply the following styles to selected text by clicking the appropriate button on the editing toolbar:
• plain (removes all formatting you have applied using these buttons)
• bold
• italic
• underlined
• quoted (formats the text based on your quoted text preferences).
For additional text format options, click Format Selection with the text selected.
"Placement" allows you to apply superscript or subscript formatting.
Formatting paragraphs
Changing paragraph alignment
You can align a paragraph with the left margin, the right margin, or the center of the body.
To align a selected paragraph, choose the alignment you want from the edit bar:
Changing paragraph spacing
You can change both the spacing between lines for a paragraph and the amount of space above it.
To change a selected paragraph's spacing:
1 Click Format Paragraphs.
2 Type your spacing requirements at "Space above" and "Line space".
Indenting paragraphs
You can change the indentation of a paragraph from the left and right margins. In addition, you can set a separate indentation value for the first line of the paragraph.
To indent or outdent a selected paragraph from the left, click Increase Indent or Decrease Indent. The paragraph moves over each time you click the button.
To indent or outdent a selected paragraph from the right, or format the paragraph with a separate first line indent:
1 Click Format Paragraphs.
2 Type your indentation, in pixels, at "Right side" or "First line".
Inserting horizontal lines
You can insert a horizontal line to visually break up content.
To insert a horizontal line, choose Insert > Horizontal Line. A line is drawn below the current cursor position, and the cursor and any subsequent content drop below this line.
Working with tables
Tables let you put content in rows and columns of cells.
A table cell can contain not only text, but all normal content elements, such as embedded pictures, multiple paragraphs, and even another embedded table.
To move from cell to cell, use the arrow keys.
Creating tables
To create a table:
1 Choose Insert > Table.
2 Update the New Table form.
Selecting parts of tables
Selecting whole tables
To select an entire table, drag the cursor over the whole table.
Formatting tables
You can format a table to change its appearance. To do this:
1 Click anywhere in the table.
2 Choose Table Operations > Format Table.
3 Update the Format Table form.
Formatting selected cells
You can format a selected cell to change its appearance. To do this:
1 Choose Table Operations > Format Cells.
2 Update the Format Cells form.
Adding rows
Adding columns
Deleting rows and columns
Merging cells
You can merge cells in a row or a column. The borders between merged cells are removed, and the cells are combined so that there is just one content area that spans all merged cells.
Splitting merged cells
Working with multipage tables
If you have a long table that spans several pages, you can:
• add column headings that will appear at the top of each page
• insert page breaks to start particular rows at the tops of pages.
You won't see these normally. You will see them in presentation view mode and when you print.
Adding repeating column headings
To make the first row of a table act as column headings which repeat at the top of each page:
1 Click anywhere in the table.
2 Choose Table Operations > Format Table.
3 Select "First row is header".
You can also select this when you first create a table.
Inserting page breaks in tables
To specify that a row is to start on the top of the next page:
1 Select the row.
2 Choose Table Operations > Format Cells.
3 Select "Row starts new page".
Working with embedded files
An object can contain picture files that are embedded directly in the content. If FirstClass supports the file type of an embedded file, the file contents are displayed; otherwise, a placeholder is displayed.
You can also embed other types of files, such as sound files. Embedded sound files display the file name.
To see the file name of an embedded picture, display its tooltip. If a description of the picture was supplied, that is displayed instead.
To see an embedded picture file in a separate window, double-click it.
To play an embedded sound file, click it.
Embedding pictures
To embed a picture file into your content:
1 Click where you want to insert the picture.
2 Choose Insert > Image/File.
3 Select the picture file just as you would if you were adding a background picture.
4 Select the file at "Select file to embed".
5 Specify how you want the picture displayed:
Changing picture properties
You can change the same properties for an embedded picture as you set when you embedded it. You can also substitute a different picture.
To change picture properties:
1 Select the picture by clicking it.
2 Click Format Selection.
3 Update the Format Embedded File form as described above.
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