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Our apologies if you are looking at the Image Message form and get this help. For the Image Message form, simply fill it in like a regular message. To display a picture in the envelope rather than as an attachment, click "Image", then choose File > Attach and select your picture file.
Use this form to configure information about your connection. The values you need to supply on this form depend on your connection protocol. For information specific to your protocol, see:
TCP/IP (includes LANs and high-speed Internet)
UDP/IP (includes basic and dialup Internet)
For information on the protocol to use, see Types of connections.

Configure button
Opens the Configure Connection form, where you can specify detailed connection information.
Flush Cache button
2102006_35208_0.png Only available when you aren't connected to the server.
Clears resources such as forms and icons from your settings file.
This forces FirstClass to download these resources to your settings file again as they are needed. Do this when resources have been updated on the server.
Save button
Saves the information on this form to your settings file.

Follow these instructions if you will connect using TCP/IP.

Connect via
Choose one of the following:
•       Local Network.FCP
•       High-Speed Internet.FCP.
User ID
Type your user ID if you don't want to type it every time you log into this server.
Type your password if you don't want to type it every time you log into this server.
It is a serious security issue to save your password in your settings file, especially if your computer is accessible to others. For this reason, we recommend that you leave this field blank.
As guest
2102006_35208_0.png Only applies if you aren't a registered user.
Logs into the server automatically as soon as the settings file is opened.
To make this work, you must fill in your user ID and password.
Retry login
2102006_35208_0.png Only applies if you selected "Log in automatically".
The number of times FirstClass will retry login attempts (maximum 15) when the system is busy.
Retry delay
2102006_35208_0.png Only applies if you selected "Log in automatically".
The delay (in seconds) between login retries.
The server's IP address or domain name.
Overrides the default data encryption used for connections using this connection protocol.
The default is specified on the Configure Connection form, and you will find an explanation of the choices in the help for that form.
Server ID
Your server's public key.
This identifies your server to your client, and is used for data encryption in secure connections.
FirstClass secure authentication only
Forces the client to always use FirstClass secure authentication to check that you are a valid user when you log in.
Note to the administrator: this field overrides any remote authentication you may have set up with FirstClass Directory Services.
Refuse upgrades to the FirstClass client software
Stops FirstClass from notifying you that a newer client is available.
Notify me of new mail when offline
Notifies you when you receive mail on this server.
If you filled in "User ID", notification will only occur when mail is received by this user ID on this server, or as a result of mail rules.
Notifier password
2102006_35208_0.png Only applies if you selected "Notify me of new mail when offline", but did not fill in "Password".
This is the same as your regular password.

Follow these instructions if you will connect using UDP/IP.

Connect via
Choose one of the following:
•       Internet.FCP
•       Dialup Internet.FCP.
User ID
Type your user ID if you don't want to type it every time you log into this server.
Type your password if you don't want to type it every time you log into this server.
It is a serious security issue to save your password in your settings file, especially if your computer is accessible to others. For this reason, we recommend that you leave this field blank.
As guest
2102006_35208_0.png Only applies if you aren't a registered user.
Logs into the server automatically as soon as the settings file is opened.
To make this work, you must fill in your user ID and password.
Retry login
2102006_35208_0.png Only applies if you selected "Log in automatically".
The number of times FirstClass will retry login attempts (maximum 15) when the system is busy.
Retry delay
2102006_35208_0.png Only applies if you selected "Log in automatically".
The delay (in seconds) between login retries.
The server's IP address or domain name.
Overrides the default data encryption used for connections using this connection protocol.
The default is specified on the Configure Connection form, and you will find an explanation of the choices in the help for that form.
Server ID
Your server's public key.
This identifies your server to your client, and is used for data encryption in secure connections.
FirstClass secure authentication only
Forces the client to always use FirstClass secure authentication to check that you are a valid user when you log in.
Note to the administrator: this field overrides any remote authentication you may have set up with FirstClass Directory Services.
Refuse upgrades to the FirstClass client software
Stops FirstClass from notifying you that a newer client is available.
Notify me of new mail when offline
Notifies you when you receive mail on this server.
If you filled in "User ID", notification will only occur when mail is received by this user ID on this server, or as a result of mail rules.
Notifier password
2102006_35208_0.png Only applies if you selected "Notify me of new mail when offline", but did not fill in "Password".
This is the same as your regular password.
For more information