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Form tabs
Use this form to modify email presentation and protocols. You do not need to modify these settings unless you have an unusual Internet setup.

Text Style tab
Use this tab to specify how incoming messages from the Internet are to be displayed.

Message text
The font, size, style, and color in which to display message text. For "Font", you can either choose a font or type a valid font name.
Quoted text
The font, size, style, and color in which to display quoted text. For "Font", you can either choose a font or type a valid font name.
Inbound HTML
How HTML messages are delivered and displayed in FirstClass
Decode and Add as Attachment
Decode HTML message into the body of a FirstClass message and attach the original HTML message
Decode into Message Body
Decode HTML message into the body of a FirstClass message only. Default
Add as Attachment
Attach the HTML document only
Acceptable HTML parse errors
Allow incoming content with the specified issues
Character set
The character set to use when the message body is US-ASCII or unspecified.

Outbound tab
Use this tab to specify options for messages going out to the Internet.

Enable MIME
Turns on MIME encoding for outgoing file attachments and message bodies. If you select this option, fill in the "If MIME enabled" section.
If MIME enabled
Attachment format
How to encode attachments. Base64 is recommended.
Mac attachment format
How to encode an attachment that contains a resource fork. MacMIME is recommended.
Message body
The level of formatting in the message body. This can be plain text only, text/HTML, or both text/plain and text/HTML.
Plain text
If you did not enable MIME, or enabled MIME but chose Plain Text at "Message body", set the following options:
Line length
The maximum length before message text will wrap.
Quote prefix
The character that will precede quoted text in messages.

SMTP - Connection tab
Use this tab to configure the SMTP protocol.

SMTP IP addresses
A list of IP addresses on which the SMTP module will accept connections. Separate each address with a semicolon. If left blank, Internet Services will accept SMTP connections on all available addresses.
SMTP port
The TCP port from which the SMTP module will receive its mail. Do not change the port number unless advised to do so by your SMTP administrator.
The settings for SSL connections on your site for the SMTP protocol.
TLS is disabled.
Allows only secure logins.
Allows both secure and nonsecure logins.
Certificate name
The SSL certificate name in the Certificates folder.
Disabled versions
Which versions of the SSL protocol to disable. Any version that is not selected will be enabled. SSLv2 is no longer recommended for use.
SMTP general timeout
The time to wait for a command or a response to a command from an SMTP server before disconnecting.
SMTP greeting timeout
The time to wait for an initial response after attempting a connection to an SMTP server before disconnecting.
SMTP data timeout
The time to wait for message confirmations or for data during message reception before disconnecting.

SMTP - Delivery tab

Treat as bulk over
The minimum size of mail messages to be treated as bulk mail. If set to a non-zero value, non-urgent messages greater than this size will be placed in the bulk mail delivery queue. This queue is emptied after the urgent and normal queues. Decreasing this number means messages assigned Bulk priority are more likely to wait until off-peak hours before being sent, and other messages will be sent more regularly.
Delivery attempts
Delivery retry time
The time to wait between retries of failed transmissions.
Max delivery retries
The maximum number of times to retry failed transmissions.
06092010_122716_1.png        Note
Some large sites may require more retries during peak periods.

SMTP - Authentication tab

Use this tab to configure which SMTP authentication methods are allowed, and on what types of connections.

POP3 tab
Use this tab to configure the POP3 protocol for mail.

POP3 IP addresses
A list of IP addresses on which the POP3 module will accept connections. Separate each address with a semicolon. If left blank, Internet Services will accept POP3 connections on all available addresses.
POP3 port
The port to which POP3 clients will connect to retrieve mail. Do not change the port number unless advised to do so by your POP3 administrator.
The settings for SSL connections on your site for the POP3 protocol:
SSL for POP3 is disabled.
Allows only secure logins.
Allows both secure and nonsecure logins.
Certificate name
The name of the SSL certificate in the Certificates folder.
The SSL port number.
Disabled versions
Which versions of the SSL protocol to disable. Any version that is not selected will be enabled. SSLv2 is no longer recommended for use.
POP3 general timeout
The time to wait between commands from a POP3 client.
POP3 authorization timeout
The time to wait for an authorization request after the client connects.

IMAP4 tab
Use this tab to configure the IMAP protocol for mail.

IMAP4 IP addresses
A list of IP addresses on which the IMAP4 module will accept connections. Separate each address with a semicolon. If left blank, Internet Services will accept IMAP4 connections on all available addresses.
IMAP4 port
The port to which IMAP4 clients connect to retrieve mail. Do not change the port number unless advised to by your IMAP4 administrator.
IMAP4 timeout
The time to wait between commands from an IMAP4 client after the user logs in.
The settings for SSL connections on your site for the IMAP4 protocol:
SSL for IMAP4 is disabled.
Allows only secure logins.
Allows both secure and nonsecure logins.
Certificate name
The name of the SSL certificate in the Certificates folder.
The SSL port number.
Disabled versions
Which versions of the SSL protocol to disable. Any version that is not selected will be enabled. SSLv2 is no longer recommended for use.
Include sent messages
Transfers sent messages to the IMAP client.

Routing tab
Use this tab to specify how outgoing mail will be routed (sent to the addressed site).

Route through one SMTP server
Routes all outgoing mail to the server specified at "IP address". Any further routing must be performed on this server.
Select this option if you are running an SMTP virus scan server. You do not need to select this if Internet Services delivers mail directly, only if mail is routed to another server before being sent to the Internet.
IP address
The IP address of the server you want all mail routed to. This is only applicable if you selected "Route through one server".
User ID
The user ID provided by the service through which you route your mail.
The password provided by the service through which you route your mail.
Use TLS if available
If the receiving SMTP server offers STARTTLS, selecting this box allows IS to use it. This setting can be overridden for individual SMTP servers in the Filters folder.

Limits tab
Use this tab to specify the number of sessions used for mail.

Max inbound sessions
Limits the number of sessions that can be used to transfer inbound mail.
Max bulk sessions
Limits the number of sessions that can be used to transfer bulk mail.
Max import sessions
Limits the number of sessions that can be used to import mail from other mail servers.
Received: header limit
The maximum number of Received: headers allowed in an inbound message before it is rejected, to prevent mail loops.

Antivirus tab
Use this tab to configure Symantec AntiVirus protection for your system.

Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine
Scan inbound email attachments
Scans inbound attachments.
Scan outbound email attachments
Scans outbound attachments.
Scan Engine IP list
The IP addresses of the machines containing the Symantec AntiVirus software. Use a comma (,) to separate multiple IP addresses.
06092010_122716_1.png        Note
Symantec AntiVirus software can only be installed on Linux and Windows® 2000 or later operating systems.
Warning text when a virus is detected in inbound messages
The default messages users receive when the Scan Engine detects a virus in an attachment. You can change these messages to suit your needs.
The string "^2" is the name of the virus detected and the string "^1" is the attachment name containing the virus. These strings are automatically replaced by the AntiVirus Scan Engine.
NDN text when a virus is detected in outbound messages

Submission tab
Use this tab to configure the SMTP submission protocol.

Enable SMTP submission
Routes personal user (submission) messages through a different port than server to server messages. Requires users to authenticate to send messages through the submission port. Default: Off
Submission IP addresses
A list of IP addresses on which Internet Services will accept connections. Separate each address with a semicolon. If left blank, Internet Services will accept user mail on all available addresses.
Submission port
The port from which the SMTP module will receive user mail. Default: 587
The settings for SSL connections:
TLS is disabled.
Allows only secure logins.
Allows both secure and nonsecure logins.
Certificate name
The name of the SSL certificate in the Certificates folder.

SMTP Log tab
Use this tab to configure SMTP transaction logging.

Start new log file
How often Internet Services starts a new log file. To activate logging, select something other than Never.
Log file location
The location log files are kept. If an IP address is specified, records are sent via syslog.
Active log file name
The name of the current log file (for example, smtp.log).
Archive log file name
The name the previously active log file is changed to when it becomes archived and a new log file is started. The name may include special characters as per the strttime function. A previously archived log file is deleted when a newer one is saved with the same name. Example: smtp-%Y%m%d.log