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Use this form to set properties for a conference, and give other users permission to use the conference.
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This help is seen by everyone, including the administrator. Therefore, you will find some information here that only applies to administrators.

Opens the conference's About form.
Creates a new message with the conference name as the sender.
Opens the conference's rules and resources folder. Rules and resources can be uploaded directly to this folder.
Opens the conference Directory Information form.
Opens the list of this conference's members.
You can add and remove members from this list.
Belongs to
Adds the conference to conference groups. The conference starts with the permissions of these conference groups. Anything else you specify on this form overrides those permissions.
Enter or remove conference groups just as you would address messages.
Displays the name of the conference creator.
Do not publish in Directory
Select if you do not want this conference to be published in the Directory. If you want the conference to be published in the administrator's Directory, or to be seen by those with the "view unlisted" privilege, choose "Unlisted" on the Directory Information form instead.
Use view from server
Makes conference layouts always reset to the original format that the administrator or creator specified. If you do not select this, changes that users make will be saved for their view. This option only applies to sort order, grouping, font, and font size. All other layout options are always controlled from the server.
Use template view only
Users will not have the ability to customize their view of this container. This is useful when using both the default and moderator views.
Hide unapproved items
Keeps unapproved items hidden from all but those with permission to approve items in this conference group. Approver permission is included with the following access levels:
•       Approver
•       Moderator
•       Creator
•       Controller
•       Custom with Approve items selected.
Message options
Form to use
The default form to open when users choose Message > New Message within these conferences. If you do not want this Conference Group Permissions form to dictate the default message form, leave the dash in this field.
Reply preference
The default method for addressing replies to these conferences. If no conference group sets a reply preference, Reply conference is used.
Reply All
Replies to the sender and all other recipients.
Reply Sender
Replies to the sender only.
Reply Conference
Replies to the conference only.
Uses the reply preference set for the group, if this conference group is a member of another conference group.
Messages require approval
Makes all messages sent to these conferences require approval by a moderator, before others can open them.
Attachments require approval
Makes all messages with attachments, and all files uploaded directly to these conferences, require approval.
Size limit
Limit messages above
The maximum size for messages (text plus attachments) posted to these conferences.
This is only applicable if you imposed a size limit on messages. Specify how to handle messages that are larger than the size limit you specified:
Reject with NDN
Rejects the message and returns a nondelivery notice to the sender.
This is probably the best option for most conferences, except conferences replicated to a nonFirstClass system such as the Internet. If a conference was an Internet newsgroup, NDNs would be sent back out to the Internet and from there to hundreds of thousands of sites.
Reject and Report
Rejects the message without informing the sender, and reports the incident in the server log.
Requires Approval
Accepts the message, but makes it unapproved.
This is useful if these conferences are gatewayed and you are concerned about users posting messages with large attachments.
Reject Quietly
Rejects the message and takes no further action.
This is the best option if these conferences are gatewayed from a nonFirstClass system such as the Internet.
Item limit
The maximum number of items allowed in this conference. After this maximum is exceeded, FirstClass begins to delete the items with the oldest expiry dates.
Message expiry
The number of days an item can stay in this conference before expiring. The value Default uses the default expiry period for your server.
Permissions area
The names of the users and user groups for whom you want to specify levels of access to the conference. Enter a name just as you would address a message. The order in which you list users and user groups matters.
To insert a name, select the name above the insertion point, then press Enter/Return. To move a name, select it, then drag it to the desired location in the list. To remove a name, select it, press Delete, then press Tab.
Choose the access level for each user and group you entered at "Who".
Customize the individual permissions for this access level if required.

Order in the "Who" field
You must list users and user groups in the "Who" field in the correct order, to make their permissions work as you want. Make sure you are familiar with the access levels available, before deciding on the order in which to enter your users and user groups.
When a user opens the conference, FirstClass checks the "Who" list from the top. When it finds the first occurrence of the user or a group to which the user belongs, it uses that access level for the user. This means that if the first thing you list is the All Users group, and make the access level for this group Disallowed, no one will be able to access the conference.

Access levels
Access levels are predefined sets of individual permissions. You can assign access levels as is, or customize them by selecting and clearing individual permissions.
Choose the access level for each user and group you entered at "Who".

Cannot access these conferences.
Can look at the list of conference items, but not open them.
Summary + can open messages.
Browser + can download attachments, view item histories, and search.
Reader + can send messages to these conferences, delete items they sent, and view this Conference Group Permissions form. This is the default access type for All Users.
Contributor + can read and approve unapproved messages.
Approver + can delete any items, move items to subfolders, post messages that exceed the size limit, edit documents and stationery, create and move subfolders, and move subconferences.
Moderator + can move and resize conference windows, change conference views and sort order, and create subconferences. To create subconferences, a user must have the Create conference privilege.
Creator + can edit this Permissions form, and edit messages sent by others. The controller can also add new rules, create messages from the conference, edit the conference's About form, and view the conference Directory information.
Access is defined by the individual permissions that are selected; if you customize another access level, it automatically becomes the Custom access level.

Individual permissions
The icons in the "Permissions" column represent individual permissions. To see what each permission icon means, hover the cursor over it. To toggle a permission on and off, click the icon.
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Certain permissions, as indicated below, can only be used in conjunction with particular user privileges.
Customize the individual permissions for this access level if required.
These are the individual permissions you can assign:

Edit permissions
Can edit this Permissions form. This includes creating rules, and adding users and groups at "Who" and making them members of the conference.
Just gives a user a Moderator label. The Approve items permission is required to let the user approve items in moderated conferences.
Delete any item
Can delete any item, including items sent by others, and move items to folders or subconferences.
Create items
Can create documents and folders, move items into conferences, post oversize messages, and upload files directly (without having to attach them to a message if the user also has the Upload privilege).
Edit read-only items
Can edit items that are not normally editable, such as sent messages. For this permission to work, the Edit items permission must also be selected. This is the only permission not automatically assigned to the administrator. Be cautious about selecting the Edit read-only items permission, because it overrrides normal FirstClass operation.
Edit items

Can edit any document, modify stationery, and move folders and subconferences within conferences.
Save window and view properties

Can change the default position, size, and view of conference windows. Be cautious about selecting this permission, because a user with this permission is dictating the default conference view for other users.
Approve items
Can open and approve unapproved messages. Messages sent by users with this permission are automatically approved.
Delete own items
Can delete and change the properties of their own items.
Open conference
Can open these conferences. This lets users see the lists of items in these conferences, but not open the items.
Search items
Can search these conferences. Requires the Search privilege.
Send items
Can post messages to these conferences. Requires the Conference mail privilege.
Open items
Can open messages and documents.
Create subconferences
Can create subconferences within these conferences. Requires the Share conferences privilege.
Download files & attachments
Can download attached files and files that were uploaded directly to these conferences. Requires the Download privilege.
View permissions
Can view this Permissions form.
View history
Can view the history of messages.