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Form tabs
Use this form to configure Content Services to work with your content scanner.

General tab
Use this tab for general information about the Content Services setup and connection.

Primary domain name
Used to create dummy email addresses in the SMTP messages that Content Services sends to the content scanner. The content scanner setup may dictate that this have a certain value, or it may be the case that it only needs to be a validly formatted domain name (e.g. junk.junk).
Service account
The account that Content Services uses to route mail for scanning. This name must match the name on the Gateway form, in the Gateways folder, in order for the gateway to connect to the server.
The default name is Content Scanner. Do not change this default unless you reconfigure the Content Scanner account and change the name. Do not change this to the name of a third party gateway.
Internet sessions
The maximum number of incoming SMTP connections that Content Services will accept.
Check the Content Services Monitor to see whether the number of sessions you have set is appropriate, or whether connections are being rejected.
Max outgoing mail
The maximum number of messages you want to send simultaneously.
This needs to be a large enough number to maintain significant mail flow but not so large as to cause memory problems. You may want to accept the default number at first, and then adjust this number if you notice a poor message delivery rate or low memory problems on your system, which you can monitor using the Content Services Monitor. Increasing this number beyond the default may require more memory resources.
Use TLS if available
If the receiving SMTP server offers STARTTLS, checking this box allows Content Services to use it. This setting can be overridden for individual SMTP servers in the Filters folder.
Configuration refresh interval
Determines how often the configuration module will query the server to locate new configuration resources. Set to 0 to disable.
Content Services priority
The priority of Content Services operations on this machine:
•       High (Default)
Select this if Content Services is running on a dedicated machine or on a system with multiple CPUs.
•       Medium
Select this if the server and Content Services are running on the same machine.
We recommend against running software other than the server and Internet Services on the same machine.
Delivery retry time
The time to wait between retries of failed transmissions.
Max delivery retries
The maximum number of times to retry failed transmissions.
When max retries reached
Indicates the action to perform if the retries are exhausted.
SMTP general timeout
The time to wait for a command or response to a command from the content scanner before disconnecting
SMTP greeting timeout
The time to wait for an initial response after attempting a connection to the content scanner before disconnecting
SMTP data timeout
The time to wait for message confirmations or for data during message reception before disconnecting.

Scanner tab
Use this tab to control how Content Services interacts with the content scanner.
Supply the IP address(es) of the content scanner at "Scanner IPs".
There are two ways a content scanner can indicate that a message has failed scanning:
•  After Content Services submits a message, the content scanner returns a 250 response to indicate the message is okay, or a 5xx response to indicate a failure.
To interface with this type of content scanner, select "5xx on DATA is NDN", then enter the regular expression pattern(s) in "Reason pattern" and "Virus pattern" that will match what the content scanner returns for each type of failure.
•  After Content Services submits a message, the content scanner will return a message to Content Services.
To interface with this type of scanner, make sure "5xx on DATA is NDN" is clear and the port(s) that Content Services is listening on are defined in "Good SMTP port" and "Bad SMTP port". If the port numbers are different, then which port the reply comes to determines whether Content Services declares the original message as good or bad. If the port numbers are the same, then the "'Good' location,pattern" and "'Bad' location,pattern" fields control the status of the original message. If nothing is defined, the incoming message is ignored.
Each line in the third group of fields on this form consists of a location (either Header or Body), and a regular expression pattern to be matched. How these fields are configured is dictated by the format of the reply returned by the content scanner.

Message-ID location, pattern
This field is of particular importance, as this is what Content Services uses to match up the original message with the reply from the content scanner. The default settings should be correct for most content scanners.
06092010_122716_1.png         Note
If the content scanner is unable to return the original Message-id in the reply, Content Services will not work with it (unless "5xx on DATA is NDN" is selected).
"Reason location,pattern" and "Virus name location, pattern"
The Reason and Virus lines are used to populate the %R% and %V% variables on the NDN Text tab (the text that occurs in place of the (.+) characters.) If the content scanner doesn't support either content scanning or virus scanning, the corresponding field must be left blank.
"'Good' location,pattern" and "'Bad' location,pattern"
These fields control the status of the original message in scenario two above when the ports are the same. If nothing is defined, the incoming message is ignored.

NDN Text tab
Use this tab to specify the text to be returned within NDN messages when a message fails content scanning.