Cronologia |
This is your personal workspace area. A workspace is a shared area where users in a workgroup have access to the same resources (FirstClass applications). So, for example, if you are heading a team that is working on a special project, this area might contain a workspace, with a group calendar, a discussion conference, and a file storage folder, for that team. Your workspace area can hold as many workspaces as you need.
Create workspaces
To create a workspace:
Select the template you want your workspace to use.
Workspace templates each have their own set of applications.
After your workspace has been created, you can remove applications you don't need, add applications, customize the workspace look, and share your workspace with other users.
Add applications to workspaces
To add an application:
For example, you could add contact information to a contact database or add documents to a documents folder.
Share workspaces with others
To share your workspace with others:
For more information about workspaces, click here. You can also choose Help > Contents at any time, and open Client Help.
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