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41204_42505_0.pngReceiving news
9203_31904_3.png Traditional communication
It seems like every day the school sends home ten pages of notes for parents. Pizza orders, milk orders, school clubs, field trip information, weekly or monthly calendars, Early Release day, Professional Development Day, theme day, March Break doesn't end. The information may come from the school level or the teacher level, but you are always responsible for making sure your parents see them, and, when necessary, complete and return them.
9203_31904_3.pngCommunicating in FirstClass ED
FirstClass ED eliminates the time and resource costs of printing, photocopying, distributing, and collecting these forms on a daily basis by using a Class News area.
From here, information is posted in a series of messages. Parents can log into your account regularly and see what is coming up.
This is an example of a Class News area with various types of information for parents and students.
9203_31904_3.pngHow to
You only have the ability to read items in this area. To open an item, double-click it.