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This form lets the FirstClass Communities Custodian manage user accounts.
Send Invitation
Sends an email to the current user with their user name and a machine-generated password. When they log in using this information, they are prompted to set up their account and change their password. This is a good reminder if an invitation has already been sent but has not been acted upon.
Send New Password
Sends an email to the current user with a new, machine-generated password. When they log in with the new password, they are prompted to choose a new password.
Set New Password
Makes the Password field editable.
Suspend Account
Prevents the current user from logging in. This is useful if an employee has left the company. Note that this does not delete the account. Only the administrator can delete an account.
Unsuspend Account
Reinstates the account. The user is automatically classified as a remote user.
Open Profile
Opens the Custodian User Profile form for the current user. It only shows fields that the user has completed.
Delete My People
Displays a Delete column of checkboxes.
Delete Community
Displays a Delete column of checkboxes.
Delete Pulse Item(s)
Displays a Delete column of checkboxes.
Delete Flag Item(s)
Displays a Delete column of checkboxes.

User ID
The email address used to log in.
First name
The user's first name.
The user's middle initial(s).
Last name
The user's last name.
The user's email address.
This email will be used for all notifications that are set.
The type of user.
Regular user: Can see everybody on the FirstClass Communities system and all public content as well as any content they have been given special permission to see. They can also send peer invites.
Remote user: (also called peer-invited users) can only see the communities of which they are members, as well as their own profiles. They can't send peer invites.
When the account was created.
Last logged in
The last time the user logged in.
The user's password. This field doesn't display the actual password, but permits you to set a new password with the Set New Password button.
LDAP-controlled user
If checked, it means these profile fields are not editable, because they are controlled by another application.
The groups to which this user belongs.
Show Desktop
Displays all objects on the user's FirstClass Desktop.
Show All Communities
Displays all communities on this user's FirstClass Communities  home page.
Show My People
Displays all the people who are following this user.
Show My Communities
Displays all the communities that this user owns.
Show Pulse
Shows the user's Pulse comments.
Flag Items
Shows items the user has flagged.