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Use this form to create a column document containing custom column definitions.

The name you want to give this column document.
How custom columns will integrate with standard columns
Use These Columns Only
Only the columns defined in the Rules & Resources folder for this container are available.
Use Default Schema and Columns
The columns in the Rules & Resources folder are available in addition to the standard columns for the container.
Use Default Schema
The columns in the Rules & Resources folder are added to the standard columns for the container. The standard columns are not visible but may be selected by the user.
Activates this custom column document. Each column can be enabled or disabled individually.
Column Title
The name of the column, displayed at the top of the list.
The field ID of the field on a form. Use FirstClass Designer to find the field ID, or choose an item from the list:
Last Modified
Displays the date and time that the data was last modified.
Displays the icon that corresponds with the item. Icons can be changed. For example, you can use pictures as icons.
Displays the file size of the data.
Displays the To or From name in a message.
Displays the subject title of the item.
Notifies users when the data of an item has not been read. The flag appears beside new items, and items that have been modified.
Notifies users if the item has an attachment.
Status, Icon Position, Thread ID, Message ID, System ID
This information is only used by advanced developers and is not intended for everyday users.
For information on advanced development tools, professional services are available. Contact FirstClass Sales or your reseller for more information.
Icon Title
If the column type is "Icon", enter a label for the icon.
Enables a push-pin column, used for saving items in consecutive searches.
Allows the moderator to approve an item by clicking this column when there is an unapproved item.
Select "Checkbox" as the Type.
Explorer Flag
Provides a secondary flag in the left side of the Explorer view.
Displays a short preview of the message body in list view.
Use 'Up' propagation and "Text" as the Type.
The category of the data, which specifies the expected content format.  When you are not sure, choose "Text".
Alphanumeric data.
Used by developers with custom forms.
Images. The corresponding field must be defined as "Picture" in FirstClass Designer.
Numeric data.
Displays a checkmark in the list view.
Enumerated List
Static selection lists that give you more control over sorting and grouping. The lists are generated from an existing form template.  The form ID must be entered in Ref Form.
Users will only be able to choose one item from the dropdown list for the value of that field.
Enumerated lists are recommended because the information is stored as a number, rather than a string.
Ref Form
The form ID of the form template containing the enumerated list.
The only time you need to enter a form ID is if you use an enumerated list.
The form ID needs to reside in a settings file, not necessarily in the form that is being used. If the field is a numeric enumerated list, the list of choices can be drawn from a form stored in the client settings file.
Aligns contents to the left side of the column and sorts forward (dates columns are sorted to display the newest item first, and text fields sort alphabetically).
Aligns contents to the right side of the column and sorts forward (dates columns are sorted to display the newest item first, and text fields sort alphabetically).
Centers contents in the middle of the column and sorts forward (dates columns are sorted to display the newest item first, and text fields sort alphabetically).
Adjusts the horizontal spacing so that content spans the width of the column and touches both the left and right margins and sorts forward (dates columns are sorted to display the newest item first, and text fields sort alphabetically).
Left & Reverse
Aligns content to the left side of the column and sorts backwards (dates columns are sorted to display the oldest item first, and text fields sort reverse alphabetically).
Right & Reverse
Aligns content to the right side of the column and sorts backwards (dates columns are sorted to display the oldest item first, and text fields sort reverse alphabetically).
Center & Reverse
Centers content in the middle of the column and sorts backwards (dates columns are sorted to display the oldest item first, and text fields sort reverse alphabetically).
Justify & Reverse
Adjusts the horizontal spacing so that content spans the width of the column and touches both the left and right margins and sorts backwards (dates columns are sorted to display the oldest item first, and text fields sort reverse alphabetically).
Any user with the "Edit items" permission can edit this column.
Image for Icon
If you have an image field on a form, you can use this as the icon. When the container is viewed in Icon view, you will see the image.
The size of your image field will control the size of your icon. Within your document, the image field automatically thumbnails the picture. If you double-click the field, you will see a full size image.
Choose either "Up" or "Up Linked" as the Propagation.
Hide no Data
Columns do not appear in the List View until the defined column contains field data. This allows you to add a wider selection of columns without them all displayed on the interface.
Text for Icon
Choose any field for the icon label. When the container is viewed in Icon view, you will see the text under the icon.
The field exists only at the list level and is not copied from a document or form.
The field is copied to the list when the document or form is changed.
The field is copied to the document or form when the list is changed.
A combination of Up & Down above.
If the form has another form attached to it, this option enables you to bring up field data from the attached form. The field is copied from an attached document.
The icon to use in place of a text title, for small columns. If the column type is Icon, click to choose an icon.
Max Str Size
The maximum amount to copy, when copying text to the list. The list has limited space available and larger limits make the container slower to load.
Col Width
The width of the column.
Enables the column.
Add Column
Adds another row where you can define an additional custom column.
Delete Column
Removes the selected column from the column document.
To disable a column without deleting it, clear the "On" checkbox.