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Form tabs
Use this form to modify DNS defaults and add addresses for additional DNS servers. You do not need to modify this form unless you have an unusual Internet setup.

General tab
Use this tab to add additional DNS server addresses and to specify retry times and cache cleanup.

Primary DNS
The IP address of your first-choice DNS server. You specify this address on the Basic Internet Setup form.
Secondary DNS
The IP address of your second-choice DNS server. This server will be used if the primary DNS server is not available. If you have no second-choice DNS server, accept the default
Tertiary DNS
The IP address of your third-choice DNS server. This server will be used if both the primary and secondary DNS servers are not available. If you have no third-choice DNS server, accept the default
Max UDP retries
The maximum number of times to retry domain name queries.
DNS cache
Cache expiry
The length of time you want to retain all the DNS records you have received before deleting them. This does not apply to records retrieved through an MX record (which comes with a timeout value), record lookup, or the local host's file. When a domain name query is made, the 10 oldest DNS records are deleted if they have been in the cache longer than this time.
Max cache entries
The maximum number of DNS records you want to retain. When a new DNS record is added to the cache, any records in the cache that exceed this limit are deleted, starting with the oldest record.

Timeouts tab
Use this tab to specify the time FirstClass will wait for a response from a DNS server.

UDP timeout
Use this field if your server uses UDP to conduct domain name queries. The length of time the server waits for a response from a DNS server before resending a query, sending the domain name query to the alternate servers, or failing the lookup if all servers have been tried.
TCP timeout
Use this field if your server uses TCP to conduct domain name queries. The length of time the server waits for a response from a DNS server before resending a query, sending the domain name query to the alternate servers, or failing the lookup if all servers have been tried.