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Form sections
Use this form to add an entry to the Directory and record information about this contact. Only you and any others who have access to this information will see this entry in the Directory list.
This form has a body, like a message form, where you can store additional information.

Reset button
Reverts all values back to what was last saved.
Create Mail To button
Creates a message addressed to this contact.

General section
Use this section to provide general contact information.

The contact's name as you want it to appear in the Directory.
If you are a FirstClass Unified Communications user and you want to address messages using your phone, precede the person's name with a phone number. (Example, 9055554567 Bob Smith. When you address the message by phone, enter 9055554567 when prompted for the "To" name and the message will be delivered as a voice attachment to Bob's email address.)
Job title
The contact's job title.
The contact's company.
Any category that is useful to you. Choose a category at the first field or type your own at the second field.
Choose the type of information you want to add in this field.
At the Business/Home field, supply the contact's mailing address(es).
The Map button opens the map website for the address. You can specify which map application you want to use in your preferences.
The contact's email address.
Bus. website
The URL for this contact's business website.
Prsnl. website
The URL for this contact's personal website.

Details section
Use this section to provide additional information about this contact.
At "Birthday" and "Anniversary", choose the value you want at each field.

Synchronize entry with handheld device
Select this checkbox to synchronize this contact with device 1 defined on the Handheld Devices tab of the Preferences form.
Select this checkbox to synchronize this contact with device 2.
Select this checkbox to synchronize this contact with device 3.
Select this checkbox to synchronize this contact with device 4.

The rest of this form is the contact body, where you can type and format additional information.
For more information