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This form is used by the FirstClass Communities Custodian to manage community information.

The icon associated with the community.
Community name
The name of the community.
Owned by
The owner of the community.
Email Address
The email address associated with the community.
Community type
The type of community.
Public: All users can view and contribute to the community.
Private: Only community members can open the community. Nonmembers must request a membership if they wish to view content.
Public Read Only: All users can view the community but can't contribute to it.
Secret: Users cannot find the community as it is limited to a specific group of users.
Mail aliases
Mail aliases associated with this community.
Description of this community.
List of people subscribed to this community.
List of people assigned as moderators to this community.
Save Changes
Saves the changes you made to the form.
Cancel the changes you made to the form.

View Community Info
Displays general community information including mail aliases, community description (About), a list of subscribers associated with this community, and a list of moderators associated with this community.

View Community Contents
Displays the number of feeds, documents, and wiki objects in the live community. Also displays a current list of objects in the Feed area, Documents area, or Wiki area of the live community, depending which type you choose to display. You cannot edit or delete these objects.

Change Owner
Opens the Custodian Search form so you can choose a new owner. This is the person or group who either created the community or has control of the community. All subscription requests should be directed to the owner of the community.

Add Moderator
Opens the Custodian Search form so you can add/remove subscribers or moderators. Moderators are users who have been given permission to approve and delete community content.

Search area
Choose how you plan to search (by user ID or by user name), enter the search criteria to find, and click Search.
After you click Search, the search results will appear below the Search area.

Search results
A list of everyone who matches the search criteria.
Profile Picture
The current profile picture stored for this user.
User ID
The user ID assigned to this user.
First name
The first name of the user.
The initials of the user.
Last name
The last name of the user.
The email address of the user.
Add Moderator
Adds the current user as a moderator for this community.

Add Subscriber
Opens the Custodian Search form so you can add/remove subscribers.

Search area
Choose how you plan to search (by user ID or by user name), enter the search criteria to find, and click Search.
After you click Search, the search results will appear below the Search area.

Search results
A list of everyone who matches the search criteria.
Profile Picture
The current profile picture stored for this user.
User ID
The user ID assigned to this user.
First name
The first name of the user.
The initials of the user.
Last name
The last name of the user.
The email address of the user.
Add Subscriber
Adds the current user as a subscriber to this community.

Add Mail aliases
Makes the Mail aliases field editable so you can add email aliases that will be associated with this community. You can add multiple aliases if you separate them with a comma.

Invite new member
Sends an invitation to invite a user to the community.
User ID
Search by UserID.
User Name
Search by User Name.
Search field
Enter the Search criteria and click the Search button.
If the person already has an account, enter their user name. Otherwise enter their email address.
4272004_110434_1.png Caution
Invitations should always be sent to a user's user name on FirstClass Communities if one exists. If you send an invitation to an existing user's email address and they accept your invitation, the system will create a new account for them with limited permissions.
Results list
Displays the results of the Search. Click users to pin them. This keeps them displayed if you perform another search.
Clear Pin
Removes any pin holds you may have set.
Clear List
Empties the Search results list.
Profile Image
Displays the profile picture of the selected user if it exists.
Profile Information
Displays existing profile information for the selected user, including userID, name, and email.
Send an Invitation Email
Tells the program to send an email to the selected user(s) to invite him/her/them to the community.
Use Community Owner as the Inviter
Indicates the owner of the community invited the user.
Invite List
Lists all of the users you have selected to invite.
Invite People
Sends invitations to the selected users through FirstClass Communities. If "Send an invitation Email" was selected, it also sends an email to the invited user.

Rename Community
Makes the Community name field editable so you can change the name.

Change Community Icon
Makes the icon field editable so you can click it and choose a new icon from the list.

Change Community Type
Makes the Community Type field editable so you can change it.
Public                  All users can view and contribute to the community.
Private                 Only community members can open the community. Nonmembers must request a membership if they wish to view content.
Public Read Only        All users can view the community but cannot contribute to it.
Secret                  Users who are not part of this community cannot find the community as it is limited to a specific group of users who must be invited to join.

Change Community About
Makes the About field editable so you can change the description.