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Use this form to set properties for your Mailbox and control the access specific users have to it.
Where you see this chooser control
clicking + increases the number, - decreases the number, the up arrow displays the next preset value in the list (for example, Default), and the down arrow displays the previous preset value. You can also type your own number in the associated field.
Where you see the value Default, it represents the value set by your administrator.

Rules button
Opens your Mailbox's mail rules page.
Size limit
Limit messages above
The maximum size for messages (text plus attachments) that your Mailbox will accept.
This is only applicable if you imposed a size limit on messages.
Specify how to handle messages that are larger than the size limit you specified:
Reject with NDN
Rejects the message and returns a nondelivery notice to the sender.
Reject Quietly
Rejects the message and takes no further action.
Item limit
The maximum number of items allowed in your Mailbox.
After this maximum is exceeded, FirstClass begins to delete the items with the oldest expiry dates.
Message expiry
The number of days a message can stay in your Mailbox before expiring.
Add permissions for
The name of the user or user group for whom you want to specify the level of access to your Mailbox.
Type the name, then click Go.
The names of the users and user groups you added at "Add permissions for".
For additional users or user groups, type the name at "Add permissions for", choose the position in the list where you want the name to appear, then click Go. The order in which you list users and groups matters.
To remove a name, click the Delete icon beside it. To move a name, add it where you want it to be located, then delete the original.
Choose the access level for each user and group listed at "Who".
For future use.

Access levels
Access levels are predefined sets of individual permissions.

Cannot send you mail.
Send Only
Can send you mail, but cannot unsend it.
Send and Unsend
Can both send you mail and unsend this mail.
This is normal FirstClass behavior. All other users have this access to your Mailbox unless you add them at "Who" and change their access.
Access is defined by the individual permissions that are selected.
If you customize another access level, it automatically becomes the Custom access level.
This level, and the individual permissions, are for future use.

Order in the "Who" field
You must list users and user groups in the "Who" field in the correct order, to make their permissions work as you want. Make sure you are familiar with the access levels available, before deciding on the order in which to enter your users and groups.
When a user tries to access your Mailbox, FirstClass checks the "Who" list from the top. When it finds the first occurrence of the user or a group to which the user belongs, it uses that access level for the user. This means that if the first thing you list is the All Users group, and make the access level for this group Disallowed, no one will be able to access your Mailbox.
For more information